
Regaining Equilibrium

Getting in under the wire of Monday...

I'm hoping that the downside of last week is now over. I've had the home inspection. I know some realities. I will still have a house, and it will still be fine. I've also decided that I'm done having a back injury, and if I will it to go away (and finally give in to taking ibuprofen), it will go away.

The best thing that happend over the weekend is that Mom and Deb and Eileen came down to see the house. I was just dying for them all to like it, and, I think they do! I want to have a house that they are happy to come to visit. I want us all to play and plan. It was fun to walk through and think about furniture and which room will be the bedroom, and what could happen and all of that good stuff. It was really good to have their support throughout this crazy process. Mom has already informed me that I get all holidays. Yay!!!!

I'm still a little scared, but I'm mostly back to being excited.

I am also really greatful for my friends right now. Peter and Rachel came on the inspection with me which was so kind of them, and so helpful. After my post of dispair, Fran sent me the most encouraging email ever - Thanks Fran! Tonight I talked reupholstering with Chrissy. Jenny has been great all along the way with suggestions and hard realities of home ownership. Susie and many others have listened to me blather on and on. All and all I am so thrilled that all of you are here with me and helping me not do this on my own.

This week, we just keep going. I'm going to buy insurance and fill out a long mortgage application and go get a cashier's check from the bank for the next payment. And dream about stripping wood and finding new fireplace surround for the first floor, and grounded outlets (how romantic!)

More pictures - these from Rachel Winslow taken on the day of the inspection. The first is the exterior, but shown with its twin (mine is the one on the left). I hope my exterior can slowly migrate toward its twin with details in wood instead of ugly siding, and maybe even the return of the arched window and a reasonable door. The second picture is the leaded glass pane in the upstairs bathroom; Susie Happy Windows, we call them.

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