
Busy, busy, busy

As the February weekends fly by and disappear, not much time to post. Here's the latest:

House stuff continues on: stove purchased, next payment made, certificate of occupancy obtained, temporary porch repair done, electrician met with. Two last big hoops: getting out of my lease, and hoping interest rates go back down so I can lock that in and finalize the mortgage stuff.

My back still plagues me, though I think it's getting better. I got some good advice over the weekend, followed it, and did not have the usual agony getting up this morning. Sleeping through the night is another issue, but we're getting there.

Dancing is ever-present. The Fling on Saturday was lots of fun, with the music in the evening being especially fabulous. The Boston Playford Ball is less than two weeks away. I have a place to stay and anticipate a having a lovely time. I suppose I should glance at the program again soon. Swarthmore goes well, but I'm getting ready for Spring Break!

Tonight I got together with Jennifer. She gave me all kinds of advice about painting, and even gave me paint samples and lots of color ideas. She also gave me a gallon of purple paint that I will use in the bathroom in the new house. And a CD shelf thing that will hold all of my CDs, I think. And boxes! Whee!!! Getting ready!!!

Now I'm going to go to sleep and dream about paint colors! What colors should I use in the house?

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