
A pain in the back...

Wonder of wonders, I came home from the dance tonight and found a parking place right away. That's because I left expediently, chasing after Andrew who tried to abscond with my shoe. [Full disclosure: I stole his shoe first.]

I remember Barbara often commenting about how right-hipped ECD was. Tonight, I finally know what she means. Still dealing with this back injury, I find myself compensating in various ways. One of those ways apparently involves my right hip. Not cool. But things are progressing on the injury front. I did some stretches this morning with no pain, and was able to walk to work with a normal gait. Sitting in front of a computer all day does me little good because the muscles get cold, but tonight, Rich gave me an all day heating pack to help keep the muscles warm. I'm excited. I may splurge and buy more!

I fear injury, of course because of the pain, but moreso because it curtails life, and most specifically dancing. Tonight I couldn't leap any where in Nonesuch, nor even attempt to reach the radiators to bang on them. I had to sit out Fandango, and really couldn't stride and make it during Winter Solstice. Bleh. I just want my mobility back. I want to bend down from the waist. I want to be able to put on socks and tie my shoes with ease. Soon. I will dance at the Fling this weekend!

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