
Being Blunt

Today's version of the wish list is simple. Horribly so. What I really want most of all is money. Not a lot more, but just a little more. Everytime I feel like I can do this house, it's more money. I know this is true no matter what, everywhere, but it sucks and I hate the feeling of going one step forward and two steps back all the time, like this elusive dream of a house really still is for eveyone else and not me.

This week I found out that:
  • I can't get insurance for under $1,000 anually, and probably not for much less than $1,500
  • Interest rates for mortgages are going up and not down, damning me to an even higher monthly payment
  • I need to have a little electrical and plumbing work done before I move in, and before I attempt to plug in major appliances, or say anything I care about
  • Appliances will cost me less than I thought, but still around $2,500 for basic stove, fridge, washer, dryer

And then there are the unknowns:

  • How much will it cost to hire a truck and move
  • Will I easily get out of my lease here, or will I have to pay $700 per month for the priveledge of not living here until July
  • What will my utilities cost

ARGHHHHHH!!! I know I want to do this, but someone please give me some perspective.


Anonymous said...

(a) You can do it!

(b) You might need a housemate, but it will be in a house, not a little apartment, and you only need to give them one room.

(c) Your friends will help you move.

(d) In the long run, you will be glad you have a house, and equity, and housing prices will eventually go back up again; remember, the population is increasing) and this is your future we're talking about here.

(e) Your mom is right. The worst thing that will happen is that you will have to sell the house and go back to living in an apartment.

(f) go back to (a) You can do it!

Joy said...

Yes, of course we'll help you move!!!

As far as utilities, the only thing I can suggest is getting a programmable thermostat. And keep it set LOW, even during the day (especially since you're not home during the day). We keep it at 66 during the day, 60 at night. The lower you go, the more you save! :-)

Yaaaaay, house!!!!

The big question here is, why isn't the baby asleep?.... :-D