
I can't afford home repair, but I can read about it...

I should not be writing, I should be falling asleep. I am, in fact, falling asleep...

Recently in the Inquirer, there was an article about a mystery author who picked up and moved to Maine and bought an old house which she and her husband are repairing and restoring themselves, one room at a time. The article said that in concert, her mystery series, Home Repair is Homicide, features a lot of practical home repair stuff. Perfect for the mode I'm in you might think.

Alas no. Well, not after reading one of her books anyway. Not only was the writing scattered and a little strange to follow, the heroine is constantly thinking about a home repair project, and making mental lists of supplies for same, but never actually doing anything. Not exactly inspiring. I might try one more of her books, but I don't think the series is a keeper.

This is the beauty of the library book. (I never cease to marvel at things like libraries and washing machines and other simple but useful systems. I mean, you put your clothes in a box, add some soap, and walk away. And then by magic, when you come back, the clothes are clean!) You pick out books. You read them. You like them or you don't. And then you give them back! They don't clutter up your house for all time. And then you can go and get more! It's so beautiful.

What are your favorite home-related books I should be reading. Other than Dorothy Draper's Decorating is Fun! with the blue and white polka-dotted cover, of course...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're forgetting about the Paris Apartment (which now has a web site)...