
Ups & Downs

Weekends are great, but not for blogging this weekend, or likely next. Too much to do!

This was a weekend of ups and downs. First the downs: My back, which seemed to be on the slow road to recovery last week to a gigantic wrong turn yesterday when I tried to lay on the floor to have a really flat surface for my back, which felt great but had the unfortunate end result of me not being able to get up from the floor. As I couldn't stay there forever, I managed to get up, but I'm sure tore something or things yet again. I couldn't dance on Saturday and left the workshop halfway through after being in agony and crying a bunch of the time.

Saturday night at home was not much better. I stayed in bed and struggled, taking an hour to get up. Today was better. I walked around, occasionally not so awkwardly. I showered. But I give in. Tomorrow I'm calling the doctor. I'm tired of being injured and unable to move and dance normally. I want to be better right now.

The ups: I have a stove! I feel like I should name it!

The bigger ups: I have wonderful friends who care and who are here to help. Last night Wes brought me ice and advil. Today Jenny came over to keep me company and to help me do the mundane tasks that are stupidly hard just now - dishes, laundry, and picking random things up off the floor that seem so far away. Val called me just to make sure I was okay. Ronnie came to get me and made dinner and got me home. People are amazing. Thanks to all of you out there for helping me in so many ways.

I'm daunted by the prospect of getting to work tomorrow, but I can do it! I'm only carrying my lunch, my notebook, my datebook, and my folder of stuff about the house!

Send good, healhy back thoughts!


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry your back continues to be bad - please go to the MD ASAP! As for naming your stove, how about Lahahana (Hawaiian for heat of the sun) or even better, Pratap (Sanskrit for heat, majesty, splendor, power) - though these are both males names. Female

Joanna said...

You think my stove is female? How can I tell?

I have an aoppointment with the doctor tomorrow! My mother will be proud.

Anonymous said...

oops, it saved before I was ready. To continue: Female names include Urna (Sanskrit for warmth), Atsuko (Japanese for warm child), and Ritzpah (Hebrew for a bed of hot coals).