Mom and I had a great dinner, got home just after 8, and proceeded to attack. Mom packed breakables in boxes that are really too heavy, but well packed, while I attacked the front closet. The good news about the closet is that as full as it is/was, many of the items were already contained in boxes, bags or crates. Find of the night - the box in the bottomw back corner in the closet of stuff mom gave me from the house in Bayside - still all wrapped in newspaper. I can't wait to see what's actually in there...
So I need your advice - should I try and strip some or all of the woodwork in the house. It's fairly likely in the period the house is from that the woodwork was painted white. But nevertheless, I'm thinking about it. Here are two pictures. Tell me what you think.
This one is from a house one block west on Durham

The stripped cabinet is gorgeous with the glass top and mirror panels, not unlike what mine had originally. I thought I'd try the cabinet for a test piece. Thoughts??
I personally would probably pay someone else to strip the wood, being generally averse to difficult manual labor. Or pull a Tom Sawyer..."yes, stripping this cabinet is great fun! I'll let you work on it for 15 minutes if you give me a dollar!"
You would be taking a gamble, because the wood might not be pretty underneath. But usually, wood is pretty, so you would probably be OK. Maybe pick a SMALL piece to try stripping and see how it goes (in terms of labor, dust/mess, and time) and then make decisions on a piece-by-piece basis.
I wish my house had cool built-in cabinets! But my location is really good for me, and I live in the kind of house they have here.
I kind of agree, the stripped wood example is very pretty, but you sure don't want to personally mess with it right now. On the other hand, the color of the cabinets may stop being interesting after you're there long enough to build up inertia, so if you waant it done you'd have to act soon...
Maybe do the inside of one of the cabinet doors just to get an inconspicuous idea of how it would go. Or maybe wait until you win the lottery and get someone else to do it.
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