This picture is from Sunday, taken with George's cell phone, displaying my brand new mailbox and beautiful house number (Thanks Deb!).
What the picture doesn't really capture is the vast quantity of dust that is all over my person and that seems to grow everywhere in my apartment. I feel like the dust has won here, like all dust that exists in the city of Philadelphia, and probably the state of Pennsylvania, originates here.
And yes, dust discovery has escalated since packing has begun in earnest. Moving began on the day of closing, in fact, because the instant you pack boxes in my cluttered apartment, you run out of places to put them. So the plan is to pack and move, little by little, so that by official moving day, there will be furniture and clothes, and so much more, but lots will already be in the house. So far, 2/3 of the breakables are there and at least 3/4 of the books. I've unearthed things hiding under the bed and under the dressers, on top of the closet and at the bottom of the closet.
The slightly discouraging thing is that there seems to be no end in sight. Starting to pack lets me know how very far I have to go. And I know I will get there, but will I get enough done to be moved on the 29th is the question. Maybe. I just have to keep working.
Tonight I managed to do 2 loads of laundry, eat dinner, pack about 14 boxes (mostly boxes of books), pack the boxes in the car and take them up to and into the house. Tomorrow I will try to finish packing the books after class (I think 3-4 more boxes will do it), and begin wrapping the rubber stamp boxes in plastic in anticipation of moving those on Thursday after class.
But now I will sleep.

The numbers are perfect!! Yay, Deb!
So, what day/evening this week do you need help? Let me know! And let me know also when you would like to bring a truck/van to get the washer and dryer (assuming you still want them)!
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