Twas the night before closing
and what do you think
Joanna was so keyed up
she could not sleep a wink
She had crossed all her t's
and dotted her i's
but she couldn't help dreading
a last minute surprise
Her mind spun and wandered
Unable to settle
She said, "I'll make tea"
and she put on the kettle
And as she sat sipping
that soothing balm
she took some deep breaths
and began to grow calm
She had the down payment
ready in the bank
for that she was grateful
she had Mom to thank
The house had passed inspection
The mortgage was approved
She'd made holiday plans
before she'd even moved
The hardest part was over
and though packing would be rough
she had lots of friends & family
to help her move her stuff
So Jo, whatever dances
may lead you to roam
let me offer congratulations
on your very first home!
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