The car is officially dying. The mechanic is pretty sure it's not worth putting more money into it. He also cautioned against substantial drives with it. To the grocery store is fine. Down the shore, not so much.
On the bright side, I have the car back, and I got groceries, and I can make little jaunts to the dance and to pool parties, etc. But not to Amherst in a couple of weeks. Time to check out those AAA discounts on car rentals.
On the brighter side, tooth repair, Pt. II happens tomorrow. And even better than that, Jennifer is coming over to help me put together my craft room tomorrow night!!! Craft parties are on the horizon!!! And the two nearly ill-fated bookcases are in my house, just waiting for a spot to reside. I should be okay on bookcases for a little while after this. Maybe.
Inspiration of the night last night: When I eventually bump out the two closets in my room to normal closet depth, and have a window seat put in between them, I want to put in shoe cubbies beneath the window seat, not unlike this Ikea cable:

So it's car, teeth
Painting, wood stripping
3rd floor bathroom, closets, roof.
And a Jane Austen style dress.
I love the bench.
And good luck with the teeth, I hope it's all fixed now.
If you lived in Boston I'd loan you a car, because Dirk isn't driving his much these days. We haven't gotten as far as wanting to sell it though, since I don't really know what'll happen to me when he goes away on a road trip, which I know will happen but hasn't yet.
However, if you lived in Boston, the drive to Amherst wouldn't be so far, so it's kind of a moot point.
The key is to come visit me here, where there are cheap cars for sale all over the place. No?
Wait...did you say 'down the shore'???
I was quoting my mechanic...
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