
Getting into the groove

I knew that there was no possible way I would get anything done staying in this hothouse tonight. So being resourceful, I took myself off to the library, and when I found they were closed due to lack of power, thence to nearby Borders for a few hours of coffee and concentration.

I sorely needed to get to work on planning my summer dance camp classes, which are coming up sooner than is quite comfortable, especially when you need to get in Scottish tune lists ahead of time. And once again, home is too distracting to really work on them. But sitting in a climate controlled space, even with the lures of books all around, gives me a set period of time to get work done. So I did.

As with all projects for me, getting started is the hardest part. Even for things like setting up that craft room, I needed that push of Jennifer coming over to help me set up that table. Now suddenly I find myself in there, just stowing things on the shelves. Yesterday, without meaning to, I arranged all of the stamp boxes on the counter. It's a beautiful thing.

It's the same thing with dance programs - I just need that push. So I sat in the cool with binders of dance instructions and spreadsheets and Pillings and got started. And now I am truly aware of the ton of work I have ahead of me. But at least I know where to go from here...

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