Slow connection be damned, I want to post some the pictures Rachel Winslow took of my move on Saturday...

When I picked up the truck on Saturday, I was really unsure that all of my furniture would fit, but it did with no problem, including the metal railing/outdoor table frame I decided to take along.

Mom and I went back and forth about whether or not I should keep this old bookcase that once belonged to Carleta. It's an old Ikea thing that has seen better days, but served me well as a linen closet, but that I was ready to part with. But as usual, Mom was right, and it's a perfect fit in my utility closet.

My queen-size mattress fit up the stairs by virtue of it being bendable. Even so, I think it took three people to shove it up there.

This futon frame went upstairs without a problem, though it was heavy.

Thank goodness for Alfred and his collection of moving pads he lends out. I never thought we'd use half of what I borrowed, but I think we used all of them. Thankfully, they are now out of my car and back in Moylan.

The real problem was the boxspring for my bed. There was no way it was getting up the stairs. The possible solutions were to a) saw it in half, b) buy a new two piece box spring, i.e., throw money at the problem, or c) take out a window. C won. I'm glad I was not actually there for this event, but I'm thrilled that it worked.

Go team! Box spring in! Move successful. Now for the endless unpacking...
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