
Back into the dance of things...

As Neffa is only two weeks away, it was more than time for Scott and I to plan our ECD session (Satuday, 8pm, Middle School Dance Hall. Be there.). We talked in brief Sunday night, and Monday I started going through materials and making lists. It was wonderful. Before that evening I felt that I'd hit a dance plateau - there were no new dances, and old ones were either uninteresting, or over done [by me]. Not so!

As I was going through books and notes, all of the sudden there was this whole list of dances that were jotted down in my notes, or the tune was in a binder, or it was there somewhere in the back of my brain, lying in wait, saying, "pick me, pick me." Dances for Amherst and Camp, and for the GCD new dance try-out session coming up in June.

I knew I was in this all-house-all-the-time mode, but it was good to be drawn back into this other world that I love, to be excited about the next program so I can pull out one or two of these potential gems.

It's not that the house is no longer primary. Indeed, I can't wait to pull it into shape so I can really enjoy it. But the house was part of the dance joy in some ways. There I was in my parlour, sitting in my grandmother's chair at the drum table in the window, perusing my notebooks, jotting down ideas. And it felt great. Right choice, Joanna.

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