
Making time...

These days I read a bunch of home decoration/organization magazines, my most recent favorite being the late and lamented Blueprint. One of the techniques for getting things done that is suggested for busy folks and procrastinators is setting time limits. I will do x for 15 minutes, and then I will be done, no matter what I've accomplished, and being partially done will be good.

And what do you know, I think it works.

I got home just before 10pm from Swarthmore this evening, in need or protein, and not wanting to do much around the house. So I ate something to get up my energy and set a time limit. I would work on unpacking books, etc. upstairs until 11pm, and then I would stop. And just setting that limit forced me to get started and make some small decisions that will enable me to pick up the task, keep working and not find it so daunting as the prospect of unpack-every-book-and-put-them-on-the-shelves. Now.

I will try to make a habit out of this concept. Some nights it will be 15 minutes; some nights, an hour or two. But this will help me keep working, and yet still have time to read, do the mundane tasks of dishes and laundry, and pop the bubbles on the bubble wrap...

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