
Being productive...

Tonight Rachel and Ronnie came over and made life a lot easier. We used our sheer brute strength to shift some furniture, including swapping the (former) kitchen table for the as yet unconstucted ikea drop-leaf. We moved around furniture in the upstiars parlour and discussed how to arrange the craft room. We ate cake.

Rachel and I stated putting together the dropleaf table, but hit a few snags - not insurmountable, but the screws the secure the hinges to the top are not going in well. Tomorrow I will see if I can buy a similar product and finish the job.

Tomorrow is a day of errands and house stuff. In the morning I have a pile of stops:

  • Repair shop in Collingdale to see what they can do for Jennifer and Steven's old KitchenAid
  • Salvation army to drop off some stuff
  • Bank to deposit my latest movie check and change my address
  • Streets department to pick up recycling bins
  • Line's mother's house to peruse available books, etc.
  • Hardware store for screws for the table - see above

After all of the errands, Eleanor is going to come over and help out with some stuff. The major tasks tomorrow are finishing the kitchen table, and then getting as much washed and put away as possible on the 1st floor, including moving empty boxes and some other stuff into the basement.

Also a priority this weekend - assemble the dinig room table, shim the bookshelvs on the 2nd floor, and secure the top of the breakfront to the bottom. I think I know where the shims are. Maybe that's a before-bed project.

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