

It's almost Neffa!!! Only one dress and one demo skirt to go on the ironing board, and then the negotiation with myself about whether to go to sleep and get up early-ish in the morning to finish up, or slog through. I think I vote for morning, after maybe a half an hour more of stuff tonight.

But, yay!

The first year I went to Neffa, I was all at sea. I didn't know what to do with myself. There were so many people and many choices of activities. It was almost too much. But by the second year, Neffa felt like a necessity. Now it's one of the times of year I know I'll get in some good contra and a smattering of International dancing, see lots of people I don't see at any other time, have an opportunity to buy good music, jewelry and clothes (maybe not this year though), run into people in the halls, and on and on.

But if I'm going to get there, I'd better finish that ironing...

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