
To begin...

I have never been one to keep a journal or diary, with a very few exceptions. I've long been intrigued by the idea - as a creative outlet and a place to just write. But then I've always come down on the side of living life rather than just recording it. Then it hit me that for the last several years, I have been keeping a journal in the form of my ever-present notebooks where I write dance programs, jot down books I want to read, take notes from magazines, rather than just buying them, create packing lists, to-do lists, plan class, and a hundred other things. A read through those reminds me exactly of everything going on in life.

So then why give in to the urge to be electronic? A few reasons: to add writing to the note keeping (perhaps feeding that secret desire to be an essayist), to gather favorite things and ideas in one place, easily accessible, and last but not least, to have at least a passing familiarity with this internet thing (watch as Joanna attempt to caption pictures, create links, make text italic!). We'll see how it all goes. And if I can even keep it up.

This is not primarily a blog about other people, though they may crop up. It's not a tell-all, and in no way seeks to invade privacy. Instead it a collection of thoughts and ideas about pieces of my life, interesting to me, if no one else.

I've created a posting scheme which I completely reserve the right to stray from:

  • Saturday - Cafes/Restaurants/Food
  • Sunday - Pretty things
  • Monday - News: What happened, what will
  • Tuesday - Crafts/Projects
  • Wednesday - Dance
  • Thursday - Books
  • Friday - Wish List/Indulgences/Grandiose Plans

Happy reading, oh you 3 or so people who will ever see this. Thanks for indulging me.