This is where I wish I had a digital camera so I could show you all of the things I planted this morning. But maybe I'd better wait until I see if this stuff takes.
On Thursday, Liz gave me a bounty of plants, perennials, many of which are happy with shade, and which, if they make it, will spread. There's a lilac, an azalea, bleeding hearts, forget-me-nots, black-eyed-susans, columbine and who remembers what else. I've lined three sides of my back fence, giving each plant some room to grow and spread. Keep your fingers crossed.
This is the beginning of my gardening adventure. I'm not really much of a gardener, though I want to have some fairly low maintenance stands of flowers. And I'm willing to put in some work to make this happen. Assuming these plants take, as they grow, I'll be able to discern them from the weeds and pull everything unwanted. And possibly fit in more plantings as I see what kind of space I have.
I've been inspired lately by this picture:

I eventually want to put in a brick patio, and line the beds with stones or other edging, but unlike the photo, I want to have more patio for cocktail parties, dining and tea parties al fresco, etc. All in good time.
There are a few plants I know I want to add - some up front, some in back:
-Roses - yellow and peach ones, but I like so many kinds and colors
-Daisies - white and shasta - such good cutting flowers
-Heuchera or coral bells - the leaf shapes are great
-Viburnum - one with those lovely scented flowers
And doubtless many others. But this is a good group of stuff to begin with - to see if I can keep them alive and start to create my own petite oasis.
What's growing in your backyard?
We put in a bunch of plants and flowers today! I filled our windowboxes (one with sun-loving vines, two with shade-tolerating colorful lobelia and impatiens), we put in more impatiens beside the driveway, filled a usually weedy spot with dianthus (pinks or sweet william) and basil and moss roses (portulaca), and also put in some ground-covering plants and hostas. I also finally took all my seasonal potted plants out to the deck, and got rosemary to replace (again) my dead one.
I'm not much of a gardener either, but since I won't be working this summer I am hoping I will do SOME weeding and maintenance.
I hope your garden gives you lots of pleasure!
Don't forget the lantana! With my new 45% M-cello garden center employee discount I can get all kinds of great plants if you want me to bring up something for you.
I second Fran's motion for the dianthus; I killed mine (a gift from some unknown person that just showed up in front of my house one day, like a number of my plants) and it has now started to grow back. I really thought it was gone for good. Weird the way it died too; it was in full bloom and then I came home one day to find it had dried to a crisp with all the greens still bright and the flowers in place, as if it were flash-dried.
I walked through the orchard on the mountain after work yesterday and was delighted to find that all the different kinds of cherry trees are producing fruit. Nothing like eating warm cherries in the sun fresh off the tree. How about some kind of fruit tree?
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