Should I buy this poster for my wall? Probably my bedroom wall. It's Edouard Manet's Moonlight Over Boulogne Harbour, 1869. I've been wanting it for ages, ever since the manet and the Sea exhibit at PMA, but haven't seen one under $200 that includes the moon in the print, one of the key pieces in my opinion.

What do you think?
1 comment:
I love that painting! (How could anyone reproduce it without the moon??)
To me, it makes an emphatic statement. I wouldn't want it in my bedroom, because I like my bedroom to be a quieter kind of place. If you either find the painting to be quieter, or want your bedroom louder than I want mine, then hang it there, by all means. If it were up to me, I'd consider a location where I were more awake/alert when I looked at it. Study?
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