
I can't tell you how thrilled these make me...

The first of four glass shelves to go in my dining room closet. They will eventually hold glassware.

Not glamourous, but oh so useful - a shelf to hold laundry supplies.

Pot lids! Awkward in the cabinets, now they have a place to live (not that this is by any means all of my pot lids - just all that will stay on the hooks.).

And finally, Joanna starts to decorate. There are magnets on the fridge and my first wall hanging.


Anonymous said...

I spent a lot of yesterday putting up shelves in my office closet...such a tiny, hot space! But I feel so much more organized!

Joanna said...

I know! It's just these little things that can really kick off a project for me. Once the glass shelves are all up, I can move the wine glasses off the bookshelf and onto the shelves, and move the books off the floor and into the bookcase, and suddenly, I'm that much more unpacked.

Even hanging up the calendar reminded me how easy it is to hang things. Now I want to put everything up on the walls.