So rare, the completely free weekend... And I can't wait.
Tonight starts with some First Friday revelry at Elfreth's Alley, then off to the Lambertville dance in Trenton.
For the rest of the weekend, as usual, I have lists of things to do:
-Mow the front lawn (such as it is)
-Regain control of the backyard (thanks to Paul, in advance, for his help)
-Show the old car to Ronnie's Craig who may buy it from me
-Try on the milkshake slipcovers, and then maybe exchange them for others (for the last time?? what color will she choose??)
-Clean the bathrooms, mop the floors, vacuum the carpets (pick one?)
-De-clutter the livingroom window seat and the kitchen
-Ponder additional kitchen storage options at Ikea (I know, how I suffer...)
-Catch up on magazine reading at Borders
-Make a quilt square
-Grocery shopping
-Hang up some stuff in the house. I have nothing on the walls. That's not right.
-Crafts! I have to make at least one thing this weekend. The rubber stamps are calling me...
New project idea!
This past year, the fitted sheet from my first set of queen-size sheets ripped. This past month, the duvet cover from the coordinating comforter cover ripped on one side. Concept: replace the ripped side of the comforter with the remaining flat sheet. Sometimes I am so smart! We'll see if this is a Joanna project, or a project I pay someone to tackle. Either way, I am delighted to think of a way to use the remaining pieces of my beloved green flannel.
Anyone want to come over and play designer on Saturday or Sunday evening? I'll feed you...