
Girly nostalgia...

Growing up I always loved paper dolls, and just about any thing you could pop out of a book. The tooth fairy once brought me a memorable village to be popped out and assembled. Hot stuff!

With Valentine's just past, I came across a set of Joan Walsh Anglund paper dolls here.
Anglund is best known for ultra cute children with no discernible mouth - better seen than heard. But I always found them charming.

I had this vague memory of another set of paper dolls I liked, and sure enough, thank to the internet, I found them. Does anyone else remember the Gingham Girls?

They had many outfits and different personalities and Katie even had an ice cream shop (but I'm sure it was a shoppe).

Do girls still play with paper dolls? Is it all Barbie and stuff from cartoons or are there others out there from books or from some other source? Or has paper given way to electrons in this instance as well?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm... I never had the paper dolls, but I have a surprising memory of something made with lots of sugar and mint extract, like a mint sugar-cookie, that I strongly associate with the blue-gingham Carrie. She must've had a recipe booklet somewhere. How odd!