Here we all are in 1986, the day of my bat mitzvah. I look classic in this photo, with my eyes shut. You can see my dance proclivities foreshadowed in the big, floofy, pink (!) ball gown of a dress I wore (a steal at the now defunct Alexander's). (This dress still exists in my mother's closet somewhere. I think it would fit, but would be very frightening, except for maybe a ceilidh skit. But in 1986, when balls and ball gowns were all about fantasy for me, and not yet a part of my regular life, I adored this dress.)
Deb, I love the pictures! I love that they're electronic, and I can look at them easily at any time, fascinating chronicle of fashion, hair and eyeglass styles though they are. Arlene just sent me two boxes of family photos. Maybe we'll have to have a scanning party...
In addition to froufrou pink ruffles, also the era of Big Glasses.
Did you actually spend the day in the dress or was it just for the party afterwards?
My Bat Mitzvah was on a Friday night (as all the girls were in my synagogue), so I'm sure I went to school that day and then home to change. I wore the dress for the service and the party that was at our house.
It's still light out in the picture, though it was taken in the early evening, because it was June just before the solstice.
Hurrah! I'm so glad you like the photos - and I'd be happy to have a scanning party!
Jojoboo--what happened to your blog?? Does it not exist for 2009?? I think you should post pictures of your house...1 YEAR LATER!!
The kid at the cafe counter in the library at school was wearing glasses similar to yours (and mine) the other day...They're supposed to be cool and hip...because they're retro. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm still proud of myself (and relieved) for not having them any more...
Of course the Blog exists for 2009, although I havn't been very talkative. (just click the links at the left of the page for this year's posts.) Stay tuned for a photo essay about my craft room project!
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