
So, you think you've made a decision

So there I was, about to look up Septa train pass prices, just to make sure. About to write to the realtor and say (deep breath), ok, let's go for it. When...

He wrote to me first saying there's a house a block away, 2 stories, 3 bedrooms, 169,000. How soon can you look at it. I want to shout - how about now!!! Heck, I'd cancel longsword tomorrow night for this.

No pictures, alas (or you know I'd post them), but here's what the blurb says: All new kitchen with wood cabinets and new appliances (Refig, D/W, Range, Microwave oven), refinished hardwood flooring, first floor laundry and small fenced rear yard. Second floor complete with Remodeled bath with tiled tub/shower and three full bedrooms.

And there's laundry, and a dining room. I wonder if it has a bay window. Only one bathroom, alas, and the fireplace is an unknown (but I'm hoping for a mantle in the living room - if they don't work, they're sometimes not a part of the listing), but the price is right, and maybe, maybe...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can you look during your lunch hour? And can you borrow someone's digital camera? Let us know!!!