Once upon a time you could walk into Ikea and buy these sturdy sets of drawers ready to go. Now you have to put them together, and they are not quite big enough and they are never quite square when you are finished, but they are, nevertheless, perfect in this setting. I now have a place for the miscellaneous things that need gathering, and a raised surface for the things I always need to hand - wipes for stamp cleaning, double-sided tape, exacto knife, without sacrificing usable desk surface. I love it already, only a day after final assembly. (And inevitably, stamps will end up in a decent portion of those drawers I'm guessing...)
And yes, the craft room will never be finished, but it's slowly getting into shape!
Very nice! But somehow I have this vision of that shelf getting higher and higher as you add more storage...
If you knew how stupid a process it was to put those drawers together - 72 nails to pound in, but who's counting - you would have no such worries...
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