
Seize the Weekend!

I would be lying if I said the craziness of October kind of crept up on me. I knew it was happening. I keep a calendar. I said yes to all of those calling dates AND planned my party for one of those at home weekends. So here I am, about to embark on my one free October weekend, and I’m caught between desires: sleep, be lazy, watch Mad Men DVDs, or, be productive, garden, do laundry, generally de-clutter the house, attack the craziness that is my office. I know! Don’t choose, do both!

Proposed important things for the weekend:

-Buy a pumpkin
-Sleep in
-Turn on the heat in the house/bleed the radiators
-Wash a lot of things - clothes, kitchen towels, dishes (do other things need to be washed, of course, but let’s not be excessive here...)
-Put the downstairs furniture back to its pre-party configuration
-Finish edging the garden beds
-Weed, mow, plant bulbs, general garden clean-up
-Straighten my tree (thanks, Bob!!)
-Make at least one thank-you card
-Scottish dance
-Watch the Mad Men DVDs before they are overdue at the library
-Attend the Piffaro concert
-Restore my office to some semblance of sanity

Will I get to everything on this list? Doubtful. Check back next week for the progress report...


Melissa R. said...

Do keep us posted--I had a brief fantasy of ditching my own crazy October weekend and coming up for that Piffaro concert. Sounds fabulous.

EmilyP said...

Your are *crazy*!! This looks like my to-do list for the _week_, which I can't find time to do half of.

Melissa R. said...

How 'bout that update?

Me, I put some Scottish sets together, assembled and called a dance program as an emergency substitute caller, practiced for and played two workshops, and danced through part of an awesome contra before my body rebelled. So much for laundry and dishes.

Also, began dealing with the fact that Friday will be my last work trip to Philly. Urk.