
Looking for shelf space...

As a lover of books I can find it way too easy to acquire them. As a result, bookshelf space in my house is always scarce. For this reason, I am a huge fan of the public library; you borrow books, and then you give them back! And it's free (yes, my taxes at work, but still...). But from time to time, I can't resist the lure of the book store, Amazon, etc., and/or present time comes around, and books just seem to be a natural choice for me. So here I sit, surrounded by 13 new books! And I don't have to give them back!

Tea Books - Some chance finds from Borders, and gifts that, by chance, I didn't already have!

The Perfect Afternoon Tea Book byAntony Wild

Crumpets and Scones by Iris Ihde Frey - a gift upon completion of the semester at Swarthmore

Tastefully Small Finger Sandwiches by Kim Hendrickson

The Tea Enthusiast's Handbook by Mary Lou and Robert J. Heiss

The World in Your Teacup by Lisa Boalt Richardson

A Passion for Tea by Hattie Ellis

Other Food/Entertaining type books - all purchased from used book dealers through Amazon. I believe the shipping for each of these cost more than the actual book did...

Supermarket Confidential by Joanna Pruess - I wanted this one especially because it gives you tips on how to navigate the jungle that is your grocery store

Simple Flower Style by Paige Gilchrist - because someday I will have the money to have fresh flowers at all times, and the time to go fetch them.

The Epicurean Collector by Patrick Dunne - to help me learn the difference between a teaspoon and a coffee spoon

Other Books

Serendipity - Fried de Metz Herman's last collection of dances

Good Mail Day by Jennie Hinchcliff - a book about mail art, a craft I love

Tiaras Past and Present by Geoffrey Munn - not my only book about tiaras, I'll have you know

...and finally

Extraordinary Chickens by Stephen Green-Armytage - a gift from Susie, of course. And they are!!!

What were your recent book purchases you couldn't resist??


Anonymous said...

Oy. I also buy way too many books. In the past month, I acquired the latest of C. J. Cherryh's novels, Deciever, Lisa Scottoline's My Next Husband Will be a Dog, Getting Started with Arduino by Massimo Banzi, The Best of Make by the editors of MAKE Magazine, Make: Electronics by Charles Platt (those last three are all about making cool stuff, of course), and a slim volume titled Trophy Wives Don't Need Advanced Physics: Dubious Words of Wisdom from Physics Students compiled by teacher Boris Korsunsky. I think that's all of them...

DebMoose said...

I try very hard NOT to buy books, but sometimes I want to read something that is not in any of the three local public library systems. So I recently broke down and bought a mystery called "London Frog" - it arrived last week, but I haven't started it yet, because I want to finish my library book first!

Kelsey said...

Regarding Tiaras...I actually saw that exhibit at the V&A. I had 2 days in London, spent a half day sick in the hotel room, one day sick in the hospital. The only part of the city that I saw was that exhibit - totally worth it.