
Spring comes to Durham Street...

...in small doses.

The one good thing to come out of the time change was a whole half hour of light after I got home from work yesterday. That could only mean one thing: time to get back into the garden!

At the Flower Show last week, I bought two plants: a bright yellow rannuncula, destined for the front yard, and a magenta paeony for the back. I love both kinds of plants, and attempted to plant both last year with neither appearing. But I will not be deterred!

I started my gardening time with a tour around the grounds. I discovered:

A lovely clump of crocuses in back that I did not plant last fall. Where did they come from???

One lone snowdrop in front. Will there be more to follow???

I also found assorted other green shoots that I hope will grow into some of the 50 bulbs I planted last year, early leaves on the lilacs and hyacinths, a rose bush in desperate need of pruning, and some leafy action on the cheap daisies I bought from Produce Junction and then stuck in the ground, just in case.


...just where I planted one of the failed paeonies from last year....

...some red shoots sticking up from the ground!!!!!!!!!

Stay tuned for news and more photos taken with a real camera in actual daylight!